De Hemisfeer is a private practice for psychiatry and psychotherapy in 's-Hertogenbosch, founded in 2008. We are a team of therapists which provide consultation, expertise and treatment of a broad range of mental health problems. In particular, we are specialized in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and intercultural psychiatry/psychotherapy with refugees, migrants, expats, foreign students, asylum seekers, war veterans, uniformed personnel, NGO workers and clients with a (bi cultural) LGBTQI+ background.
If you have questions regarding the treatment options at De Hemisfeer, please contact us.
What kind of service do we offer?
The therapists at De Hemisfeer are skilled in different treatment approaches: individual, context and culture sensitive psychotherapy, EMDR, Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET), Schema therapy with trauma related complaints and pharmacotherapy. Moreover, we offer psychiatric expertise, advice, consultation, and supervision.
Our approach is professional, personal and flexible. In the contact with our clients we highly value reciprocal respect, trust, safety, transparency, authenticity, passion, and compassion with the clients, their problems and existential doubts. We aim at being culturally sensitive in our work, meaning that we take into account the influence that cultural backgrounds may have on the ways our clients perceive and appraise their problems, and how they make a hierarchy of priorities for change. In the past 10 years, we have helped clients from over 25 different countries from all over the world.
We aim at understanding mental health of an individual as a balancing act of protective resources and risk factors. Both protective resources and risk factors are rooted in one’s disposition, upbringing and personality, family interaction and support, community, working environment, social life, social and political environment, spirituality, (sub)culture, belief system, and ideology. As long as the protective resources and risk factors are in balance, one will have a good mental health although he or she has been impacted by adversities in life. In case of the presence of mental health problems, the balance can be re-established by “healing” of the damage (such as psychopathology) and/or enhancing protective resources, as both types of interventions will strengthen resilience.

How to register for treatment?
In order to start a treatment at our practice you should be referred by your family doctor or another medical specialist for the specialized mental health treatment (S-GGz). For all information regarding the treatment details, please contact us at +31 65 19 69 517, from Monday to Friday 09:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
More information (currently in Dutch only) can be found elsewhere on this website.
Praktijkhouders & Regiebehandelaars De Hemisfeer

Dr. Boris Droždek is psychiater en psychotherapeut met meer dan 25 jaar internationale ervaring. Hij is gespecialiseerd in de hulpverlening aan overlevenden van politiek en oorlogsgeweld en in interculturele psychiatrie bij migranten en expats.

Drs. Jan Rodenburg is klinisch psycholoog en psychotherapeut. Zijn expertise ligt bij diagnostiek en behandeling van trauma-gerelateerde problematiek bij bijzondere doelgroepen, zoals Nederlandse veteranen en burgers en veteranen uit diverse buitenlandse conflictgebieden.
De praktijkhouders en regiebehandelaars van De Hemisfeer werken samen met collega’s die ruime ervaring hebben met de problematiek waarmee onze cliënten zich melden. Alle behandelaars hebben ruime ervaring in de GGz en zijn geregistreerd in het BIG-register (Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg).
> Hier vindt u een overzicht van de medebehandelaars van De Hemisfeer